Truncated Pew Notes for Candlemass & news of Robin Finnegan

 It is with very deep sadness that I have to inform you of the death from and aneurism of our dear friend, steward ,interpreter (formally Head Interpreter),  and reader, Robin Finnegan on Friday afternoon.  Although now 85,  Robin had been in the Cathedral working as an interpreter the day before his death, and true to his caring self, had spoken to our former Head Steward Norman Hughes to check how he was doing, only hours before he became ill.   Robin had no family locally, and is survived by a niece in Kent, accordingly I’m not in a position to provide any information about his funeral arrangements yet. I realise that a great many of us will wish to attend, and will endeavour to let you have any details as soon as possible. Robin was at the heart of our Cathedral Company, and had served our community all his life.  His skills in interpreting the building to our visitors were unmatched, and I know that he has over the years, taught me a great deal about a space I thought I knew, but very soon realised I didn’t.  A couple of years ago, efforts were made by a number of people to persuade Robin to allow me to video a Cathedral Tour with him. He was extremely reluctant, and I sensed a very deep unease about this well intentioned project. Eventually, over a coffee he explained how no two tours were the same, as a good interpreter would gage the type and level of interest of their group. He feared I would put the video on the Cathedral website and that people would watch it on line rather than actually visit for themselves.  Having had this conversation, I decided that such a video would be wholly inappropriate, and Robin breathed a sigh of relief, able to take his consummate skills with him at his death. May his Rest in Peace and Rise in Glory.


Other brief reminders for the coming week.

  1. Today is Candlemass, so if you haven’t dealt with the Christmas tree yet,  now’s the day. As is tradition at Liverpool Cathedral, any Feast which has the temerity not to fall on a Sunday, will be forcibly translated to the nearest Sunday, which is tomorrow.  Which means wonderful music and more candles than many an Evangelical might be wholly comfie with. No matter that it is also Sexagesima Sunday
  2. Breakfast with the Bible is tomorrow at 9:15 with Dean Pete in the Education department (behind the High Altar). Supper with the Scriptures will be on TUESDAY at 6:30 in the Concert Room. The reason for this one off change of day is:
  3. +Justin formally becomes ++Justin at a service at St Paul’s Cathedral on Monday 4th February. Reminder to be seated by 11:40. Hence the need to change SWS to Tuesday, as rather a lot of People including the Dean will be there not here….Can someone please look after Monday’s Evensong?
  4. Chemin-Neuf Prayer Group will also meet on Tuesday as usual
  5. School of Theology and Alpha will meet Wednesday.
  6. Sunday 10th February apart from being Quinquagesima Sunday (yes folks Lent is almost upon us), is also Chinese New Year…So do allow extra time/arrive early to get a parking space etc…you all know how it is by now.


In Our Prayers:

  • The family and friends of Derek Saddler and Robin Finnegan, and anyone else who has lost a loved one recently
  • +Justin, Caroline and family as he starts his new role as Archbishop of Canterbury
  • +James, Sarah and family as he prepares for his retirement in August (see next week’s Pew Notes for information on +James’ Lent talks)
  • Our Food Bank and all those who stand in need of it.
  • Those sick or in need of our help.


Best Wishes


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